Envision a new premise

There are some foundational, yet quite simple and elegant, ideas that inform my consciousness.  I have already touched on a few but let me be more specific.

"There is no one right way to live"  Daniel Quinn in Ishmael.

I have greatly enjoyed Quinn's books for they forced me out of the ineffective spiral that is issue based politics into a more holistic approach to what has been going on here.  The idea above is so simple yet if you lived by it, so meaningful.  What does "there is no one right way to live" imply?

If there is no one right way then most of the folly of the world is put into a different focus - as attempts to make people live what one group deemed the "one right way".  Timely is the disintegration of the Iraqi "state".  Josh Marshall nailed it when he said the long term causes lie at the feet of the map drawers in 1917 in Paris and London, but nonetheless, the basic premise of the Iraq war was the Unites States trying to make the Iraqi people live the one right way - democratic free market capitalism. (see Robin Fox, the kindness of strangers) The neo-cons are just another in a long string of people, who while quite intelligent in many ways, who are unable to see what is really there because they insist in seeing what their ideology dictates.  Colonialism, racism, discrimination - you name it - at its core is the failure to accept how people actually live in reality.

While it seems to take forever, this is the basic principle that always wins in the end.  Freedom of Religion, Civil Rights, Gay Marriage, Legalization of Marijuana - these are all examples of the principle in practice.  Look around and you will see some who insist they have the one right way.  Then you will see the evil in their wake.


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