Meanwhile, over at redstate, 1/18/2021

 I have a feeling I will be writing a bunch of these.  In an article criticizing Ben Sasse for crtiticizing Qanon, Jeff Charles ends with this line.

"On the right, we must ensure that this asinine fairy tale doesn’t give the left enough ammo to paint us all as conspiracy lunatics. Still, most of us know that this fringe element by no means represents the conservative movement or the Republican Party."

The irony here is that so many articles at redstate do exactly this:  they take the actions of one "leftist" and use it to prove that the left is the "thought police" or whatever the latest attack is.  Just today, there were articles using what is known as the fallacy of composition, which Charles says is unfair:

Looks Like We Got Another 'Winner': New 'Squad' Member Opens Her Mouth & PROVES IT

 GOP Committed CHEMICAL WARFARE by Not Wearing Masks Says Clueless Elected Official 

Ever Had a Hard Time Understanding Someone's Accent? A Professor Says You're Guilty of 'Linguistic Racism' 

The list goes on and on.  And if you read daily (which is really difficult to do) and you dive into the comments from readers, this tactic is very effective.  The comments on these articles are often "see, this is how the left....", ie drawing a general conclusion from a specific case.


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