Why UBI could be the "glue" to hold the left together

Here is my reply to this article about the lessons of the 202 election


"I was just discussing this with my 18 year old son. The GOP has better "glue" to generally hold it together. While all Anti (Roe, government, taxes) it serves the purpose of a unifying message, albeit a destructive and angry one. 

The Democratic party is a coalition of many interest groups who value their own silo more then winning (at times), and who can get lost in their own ideology. At times the Dems can be dogmatic. At the core, there is little "glue" that holds this coalition together. It is diverse. It is broad. It is also divided. 

However, I don't think it is divided on "eventual" priorities; as labor rights, civil rights, social justice, climate change, voting rights seem to be favored by the vast majority of Biden voters. What is divided is the messaging AND a first priority. 

A casual glance at the campaigns of the GOP since the time of Nixon shows a remarkable degree of staying on message and controlling the narrative. Democrats need more consistent messaging. A first priority. In 1992, Bill Clinton won the "bubba" vote. This is now the core of Trump support. 

Across the spectrum, people are angry about the lack of real economic opportunity and flat wages for decades.

The first priority should be economic. Globalization has left so many American people behind. Automation will do the same thing. Whichever party embraces Universal Basic Income will become the party of the people. Yes, lots of details to work out, but now is the time to work them."


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