While watching the January Democratic Presidential debate, one of the moderators at 538.com, Nathaniel Rakich, said this: “Twenty years later, and George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld’s arguments for going to war in Iraq are leading off a presidential debate. It just speaks to how consequential that era in American history turned (out to be).” I couldn’t agree more, except that this does not go nearly far enough. The decision to invade Iraq in 2003 will go down as one of the worst political decisions ever made. The long term ramifications are certainly being felt now, but will be felt for generations. Let’s review where we were in 2003: The United States had “won” the Cold War, had established itself as the guarantor of safety for sovereign nations during the Gulf War, had refrained from invading Iraq in 1991, had a growing economy, low inflation, low interest rates, low unemployment, a budget surplus, and incredible world-wide good will a...
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